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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Is Making Money With Google AdWords Possible?

Pay per click campaigns have become very popular nowadays as many marketers who have an interesting product for sale or affiliates who want to make money promoting someone else's products can get them to the first page of Google without a need to search engine optimize their websites which itself is usually very long and difficult process.

Just by setting cost per click they can put their websites in front of thousands visitors who visit Google to find what they need every single day. This way they don't pay for having their ad displayed on Google, they pay only for results that in this case are clicks on ads.

So it sounds quite simple but is really Google AdWords worth implementing it into your promotional campaign?

Well the answer isn't that obvious.

You might have noticed that Google is the top, most popular and most often visited search engine in the world. The popularity of it translates into a huge competition that battles for the top spots of this search engine every single day, including sponsored search and organic (free) listing as well.

What it means is that it's getting more and more difficult for average person to come up with effective pay per click campaign that will generate decent amount of sales without spending too much money.

There are a few hassles on the way that surely everyone getting into Google AdWords pay per click program will encounter.

The first one is cost per click.

If you promote product from competitive market, you must be prepared for extremely high costs per click for particular competitive keywords, that keep on getting more expensive as the numbers of competition grow.

That's why the ones who can really afford PPC campaigns in highly competitive industry are BIG FISHES with huge budgets they can easily spend on well managed and expensive Google PPC campaigns bidding on expensive and very competitive keywords.

Another problem is competition mentioned above. The growing amount of competitors who will be running their own ads along with yours will automatically increase the cost per click for particular keywords according to simple calculation- the more competitors use the keyword the more expensive cost per click for this keyword will be.

In result Google is saturated nowadays and makes successful marketing for average people with low budgets almost impossible.

The last thing you may find are blueprints, courses and ebooks on how to effectively run pay per click campaign on Google. The problem is that most of them are out of date and irrelevant as Google pay per click system is still progressing, so new tactics eliminating upcoming hassles must be used.

Many courses, ebooks, tutorials will claim to reveal secret tactics, glitches and techniques that will make you rich leaving your competition behind.

However what you may not realize is that while you are reading and learning these amazing tactics, the other marketers are learning it as well or even they have applied these strategies already.

What I mean here is how come some GET RICH ON GOOGLE AdWords blueprint can help you when you need to battle with thousands other competitors who have also read this blueprint and applied these strategies as well. This drives to saturation and cost per click increased anyway.

So basically Google pay per click program (AdWords) is getting more difficult for average people and rather put money in the pocket of big earners who can afford spending loads of money on professionals managing their campaigns.

That's why if you are affiliate marketer or beginner you need to find another alternative way to oversaturated GOOGLE AdWords program.

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