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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Four AdSense Tips : What Not to Do

Knowing what to do is only half the AdSense story. You also need some important AdSense tips on what not to do if you value your account with Google.
Most of the information you’ll find about AdSense tips will involve ideas about how to maximize your profit generation activities. However, knowing what you should do is only part of the picture. You also need to know what not to do. The tips below can help you prevent some of the biggest mistakes.
Do Not Click Ads
Whether by accident or not, one of the best AdSense tips that can be offered about what not to do is that you should never click on the ads on your own site. Obviously, this could be a great way to artificially inflate your own revenue. You could just spend hours clicking on the ads and you’d eventually rack up a pretty nice bank for yourself.
However, Google takes this serious and for good reasons. While you may think it’s a great way to boost your own earnings, you are benefiting at the cost of other business owners who are sincere in their desire to drive real traffic to their sites. Because your earnings are a percentage of what these marketers are paying, your money comes at their expense. Plus, reports of this type of cheating can hurt the legitimacy of the program and that’s something Google does not want.
Never Reward Visitors
Another example of some good AdSense tips is never to offer incentives to site visitors who will click on your links. That even means begging and pleading. For example, you don’t want to suggest that the site will be closed down if people don’t visit the sponsors. Google also disproves of this practice for the same reasons as above. If you’ve done a good job on attracting targeted traffic, you don’t need to seem desperate in this way.
No Empty Pages
The temptation for lazy site owners might be to just throw up the AdSense code on an empty page and be done. While you won’t have to worry about any AdSense tips about designing a great page this way, you will end up with limited traffic and no interest in your ads. Visitors need to stick around long enough to notice and be intrigued by the ads. With no other content on the site, visitors are likely to be angry about the waste of their time and will take off quickly.
Realize the Penalties
Knowing that the above is not a good idea either because Google disproves of the process or because visitors won’t approve either may not be a major deterrent. However, the reality is that Google is serious about these issues and will suspend the accounts of anyone who violates the above and other policies.
As part of these AdSense tips, you should realize just how serious these violations are taken and what they can cost you in terms of future revenue through the program. There’s no reason to put yourself at risk like that. Instead, do the extra work and have the patience to get the revenue you want legitimately.

What Can it do for Me?

In three words, earn you money. More relevant ads on your pages translates into more clicks.and more money that you receive. Because when users click on an ad, Google will pay you. If set up your own sales team, you.ll get an additional benefit: AdSense complements their efforts. It doesn.t compete with them. With AdSense, you get a reporting page that gives you a breakdown on how your ads are doing and what bringing in.
Google has a huge advertiser base, so they have ads for all kinds of businesses and for just about every type of content no matter how broad or specialized it is. And since Google provides the ads, you don.t have to spend time talking to your advertisers.
AdSense represents advertisers that span the spectrum. These advertisers range from large global brands to small and local companies. And ads are targeted by geography so global businesses can display local advertising easily. One more thing: you can use AdSense in many languages.
So how does AdSense figure out how to do all this targeted advertising? Well, AdSense has the ability to deliver relevant ads because the gurus at Google understand how web pages really work and they're
continually refining their technology to make it smarter all the time.
For example, some words can have several different meanings depending on context. seen th is happen with .two. and .too. and .to.. Google technology is smart enough to understand these distinctions from the context that the word appears in, so you get more targeted ads.
When you put a Google search box on your site you start making money off of web searches that people do on your site. This ability to search off of your page keeps them on your site longer.since they can search from right there where they are.and it will only take you a few minutes to get AdSense up and running. The best part, of course, is that AdSense is free for you to use.

So Just What is Google Adsense? continue...

Google AdSense says serious about attracting quality content sites, and because of that they only allow AdSense members to serve one ad per page. This means you can.t use AdSense for both banners and skyscrapers.(Note: banners are those horizontal ads that run up top and down bottom. Skyscrapers are the tall ads that run vertically, on the left and right of your page text.)
Once been accepted into Google AdSense, you.ll be able to get the AdSense advertisements on any site you own using the same ad code, provided you obey the Google guidelines. (And that.s very, very important.more on that later.)
Your reporting doesn.t occur in real time, but is updated regularly throughout the day. Right now, you can.t view reports based on a domain or site basis if you run the AdSense on more than one site.
Before you sign up, you really ought to read the lengthy and detailed FAQ on the AdSense site.

So Just What is Google Adsense?

Google AdSense is a fast and absolutely ridiculously easy way for people with websites of all types and sizes to put up and display relevant Google ads on the content pages of their site and earn money.
Because the Google AdSense ads relate to what your visitors came to your site to read about, or because the ads match up to the interests and characteristics of the kind of people your content attracts, you now have a way to improve your content pages AND make some serious bucks off of them.
Google AdSense is also a way for site owners to provide Google search capability to visitors and to earn even more money by putting Google ads on the search results pages. Google AdSense gives you the ability to earn advertising revenue from every single page on your website.with a minimal investment of your time
So what kind of ads do you have to put up? That.s the good don.t have to decide. Google does it for you. AdSense always delivers relevant ads that are precisely targeted.on a page-by-page the content that people find on your site. For example, if you have a page that tells the story of your pet fish, Google will send you ads for that site that are for pet stores, fish food, fish bowls, get the picture.
If you decide you want to add a Google search box to your site, then AdSense will deliver relevant ads targeted to the Google search results pages that your visitors. search request generated.

Introduction probably heard a lot about Google AdSense (which is actually more accurately known as Google AdSense V1), but you may not know just what it is. Well, for one thing, it.s a one of the hottest new ways to make money online without having to do a whole lot. If read Robert Kiyosaki.s book, .Rich Dad, Poor Dad,. you know that passive income is the best kind of income to have.
Passive income is income that you get without having to work for it. I know this may sound like some kind of .pie in the sky. get-rich-quick scheme, but passive income is for real. In fact, every single billionaire on earth uses the power of passive income to keep money coming in while he or she jets off to parties and resorts and such.
The best example of passive income in the physical world is real estate. When you own an apartment building and hire a property manager and a maintenance crew to take care of it for you and collect the rents, all you have to do is cash the checks that roll in.

Of course, passive income doesn.t just happen overnight, or everyone would be getting it. In the case of the apartment building owner, it took money, time, and knowledge to set up an S corporation, find a building to buy, put up the cash to buy it with and get a loan for the rest, renovate it, then screen and hire the property manager and maintenance crew. But once that was all done, checks began rolling in with little or no effort.
Well, Google Adsense is the online equivalent of that. You.ll have to invest just a little bit of time in learning about it, but once you get it set up you can look forward to seeing those nice checks roll in.

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